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Thank you, Judith!

Manatunga, 2013

Group of four men and three women looking at the camera. One of the women is holding a carved stick. The Manatunga exhibition is visible in the background.

Judith Bassett QSO retired from ALHT in December 2024. Her long period of service as a trustee had begun in 2003.

The photograph above shows Judith (far right) at the opening of Auckland Libraries' Manatunga exhibition on 12 June 2013. Next to Judith, holding the carved taonga called 'Te Kauroa,' is Allison Dobbie, then General Manager of Auckland Libraries. Next to Allison is the then Governor-General, Lt Gen. The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae. The Governor-General was at this time the patron of ALHT. Jane Wild (Auckland Libraries) stands on the other side of Sir Jerry. Three other ALHT trustees are shown: Colin Davis (then ALHT chairman), Mac Jackson and Christopher Parr.

In his letter to thank Judith on behalf of the trustees, David Simcock noted Judith's more than 20 years as a trustee. 'Your participation has added prestige and mana to the Trust. Your other very important connections in the Auckland community, and years of service to many other organisations, have played an important role in helping its work. But just as importantly, your sage counsel, humour, and thoughts on how to keep progressing the Trust have also been of immense assistance.'

Judith was a senior lecturer in New Zealand and Russian history at the University of Auckland. Her scholarly contributions include a number of books on New Zealand history and biography.

Judith chaired the ASB Trusts for their first 14 years and was active in local government in Auckland (member of the Auckland District Health Board, two terms on the Auckland Hospital Board, three terms on the Auckland Regional Council, chair of Auckland Regional Holdings from 2004-2010). Judith was awarded the QSO for community service in 1991.